page table

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page table

Page table is the brige of communitcating between virtual address space in process and physical address space in memory.

The noticeable thing is the “direction”, page table can be used for mapping from the virtual memory addr to physical memory addr, it’s single direction.

Memory management unit (MMU)

MMU locates inside the CPU stores a cache of recentlyused mappings from the operating system’s page table. This is called the translation lookaside buffer (TLB), which is an associative cache.

When a virtual address needs to to translated into a physical address, the TLB is searched first. When a virtual address needs to be translated into a physical address, the TLB is searched first. If a match is found, which is known as a TLB hit, the physical address is returned and memory access can continue. However, if there is no match, which is called a TLB miss, the MMU or the operating system’s TLB miss handler will typically look up the address mapping in the page table to see whether a mapping exists, which is called a page walk. If one exists, it is written back to the TLB, which must be done because the hardware accesses memory through the TLB in a virtual memory system, and the faulting instruction is restarted, which may happen in parallel as well. The subsequent translation will result in a TLB hit, and the memory access will continue.

TLB Hit/Miss/Walk


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