About me

Career In Alibaba

Stage: 2015.3-2015.12

加入阿里巴巴,同年年底开始负责Aone下游系统scmcenter的建设,从而实现了阿 里独有的分支集成的分支开发模式,并在Aone落地。

Joined Alibaba in 2015, and began to be responsible for the construction of Aone’s(Alibaba Devops Platform) downstream system scmcenter at the end of same year, thus realizing Alibaba’s unique branch-integrated branch development model, which was implemented in Aone.

Stage: 2016

2016年继续提升用户整体研发体验,完善新版Aone代码部分功能,同时作为PM参与了冲突 白屏化并将代码托管权限体系打通等工作, 同时开始建设代码中台。

Icontinued to improve the overall R&D experience of users, improved some functions of the new version of Aone code, and participated in the white screen of conflicts as a PM and opened up the code hosting authority system.At the same time start building the code center

Stage: 2017

作为技术和架构负责人开始建设阿里巴巴自研的基于java技术栈的代码托管平台force,将 代码团队技术栈进行统一。

In 2017, as the technical leader, he started to build Alibaba’s self-developed code hosting platform force based on the java technology stack, to unify the technology stack of the code team.

Stage: 2018

开始布局代码搜索,完成代码搜索一期建设。年底代码中台团队成立基础技术团队并加入, 负责代码托管底层的相关技术研发工作,我的技术栈也从Java开始转向Golang和C。

In 2018, the layout code search was started, and the first phase of the code search was completed. At the end of the year, the code middle-office team established a basic technical team and joined it, responsible for the relevant technical research and development of the underlying code hosting.My technology stack also moved to Golang and C along with Java

Stage: 2019


In 2019, I was responsible for migrating the group svn to git, and completed the design and transformation of the industry-leading gerrit distributed architecture.

Stage: 2020

完成了git存储三副本架构-伽利略(与Github Spokes对标), 阿里在Git存储架构方 面仅落后与Github. 目前正在研究Git特性打造云上差异化产品特性以及云原生Git架构, 目标打造下一代面向云原生的代码基础设施。

In 2020, the three-copy git storage architecture-Galileo(Similar to Github spokes) will be completed. Ali is only behind Github in terms of Git storage architecture. Currently, he is currently studying Git features to create differentiated product features on the cloud and cloud-native Git architecture, aiming to build the next generation of cloud-native oriented code infrastructure

Stage: 2021


In 2021, as the leader of the git core technology line of Alibaba Cloud’s code-based technology.

Stage: 2022

阿里云云效Codeup(codeup.aliyun.com)负责产研相关工作;同时作为工信部国产化开源平 台的负责人(阿里方,还包括开放原子开源基金会以及CSDN),建设 atomgit.com 开源平 台(beta).

In 2022, I am currently working as Alibaba Cloud Cloud Effect Codeup (codeup.aliyun.com) responsible for production and research related work. At the same time, as the person in charge of the domestic open source platform of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (only of Alibaba, also including Open Atoms Foundation and CSDN), built the atomgit.com open source platform (beta).

Stage: 2023

继续负责阿里云云效Codeup相关产研工作,设计并发布了一系列特性 如新版代码评审、轻量级 webide、commit status、check runs等一些列特性。

Continue to be responsible for the R&D work related to Alibaba Cloud Codeup, designed and released a series of features such as new version of code review, lightweight webide, commit status.

Stage: 2024


Tongyi Lingma Technology PM is also responsible for related work in the field of unit test intelligent generation, Tongyi Lingma stability and performance, Lingma major customer co-creation, etc.

Other roles

Git committer:

I have been participating in the Git community contribution since 2021. As an 11-year java developer, it is not easy to pick up the C language again, because my usual work content is more complicated, but I am participating and growing as much as possible.

My activities in Git Community: mailing list

Gerrit committer:

In the process of implementing the distributed architecture of Gerrit in Alibaba, I made some commits to the core of Gerrit. Gerrit is implemented in Java, so it is more comfortable for me. However, due to the work focus, I have little time to contribute, but I still pay close attention to the development of Gerrit frequently.

My activities in Gerrit COmmunity: mailing list


I also participated actively or passively, and formed some interesting disorganized materials, which are:

About English

I’m not very good at speaking, writting English, but I’m try to improve in spare time.


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